Two major forms of sleep apnea occur as obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. If you are struggling with obstructive sleep apnea, it means that something is blocking your air flow. This could be a genetic disposition or linked to the position you sleep in. However, if you suffer from central sleep apnea, it means brain signals that are being sent to your chest muscles instructing you to breathe are not being received correctly. Â Both conditions will require the aid of sleep apnea.
Treating sleep apnea often requires the use of numerous oral appliances or devices. However, in some cases, sleep apnea may simply be a result of you sleeping on your back. If you are suffering from sleep apnea, try sleeping in a different position. If you continue to have issues, your dentist may provide you with CPAP devices or other oral appliances designed to open up your breathing airways and support your jaw as necessary. In some circumstances, surgery may be required.
Risk factors play a key role in the formation of sleep apnea. Genetics and a family history of sleep apnea can give rise to the disorder. Other common risk factors include nasal obstructions due to a deviated septum, large tonsils, a large tongue, a small jaw, or allergies and sinus problems. If you are a male over the age of 40 and overweight, you are also at a heightened risk for sleep apnea.
Our team at Brentcourt Dental Group looks forward to enhancing your smile with sleep apnea treatments. To book an appointment at our dentist office in Brentwood, California, please contact Dr. Craig Chlebicki and our team at 925-634-3503.